This form is for community guests only.
Faculty and staff should register on the faculty and staff form, and students/family of students can register in Toolkit.
5K Starts 8:00AM
1 Mile Starts 9:00AM
Kindergarten ½ Mile Starts 9:30AM
Awards ceremony immediately following.
All 5K registrations include a race number and t-shirt.
1 Mile & 1/2 Mile
- Adults registering for the 1 mile or 1/2 mile will receive a t-shirt only (no race number). You are welcome to run with your child in the 1 mile or 1/2 mile without registering, but you will NOT receive a race shirt.
- Preschoolers who do not attend Mt. Bethel may register for the 1 mile or 1/2 mile. This registration includes a race number and t-shirt.
Race day information and race numbers will available for pick up on race day.

In consideration for allowing the undersigned to participate in this event, the undersigned (and his/her parents if the undersigned is under 18 years of age) for themselves, heirs, administrators, and executors hereby waives and releases any and all persons or entries in any way connected with this event from any and all claims or damages of whatever kind arising out of the undersigned’s participation in this event. The undersigned further certifies that he/she has trained for this event and is in proper physical condition.