Fun Run Registration is OPEN!
5K Starts 8:00AM
1 Mile Starts 9:00AM
Kindergarten ½ Mile Starts 9:30AM
Awards ceremony immediately following.
All 5K registrations include a race number and t-shirt.
1 Mile & 1/2 Mile
Adults registering for the 1 mile or 1/2 mile will receive a t-shirt only (no race number). You are welcome to run with your child in the 1 mile or 1/2 mile without registering, but you will NOT receive a race shirt.
Preschoolers who do not attend Mt. Bethel may register for the 1 mile or 1/2 mile. This registration includes a race number and t-shirt.
Race day information and race numbers will be delivered to your youngest child's classroom prior to race day.