Co-Presidents - Lisa Long & Amy Stewart - co-presidents@mtbethelpta.org


1st Vice President - Nicole Kelley - 1stvp@mtbethelpta.org


2nd Vice President - Emily Kemp - 2ndvp@mtbethelpta.org


3rd Vice President - Katie Johnson - 3rdvp@mtbethelpta.org


Parliamentarian - Riva Goldband - parliamentarian@mtbethelpta.org


Secretary -Shawna Critelli - secretary@mtbethelpta.org


Treasurer - Kristin Benniger - treasurer@mtbethelpta.org



PTA is You ...

 ...communicating, parenting, learning, volunteering, decision making, and collaborating! 

The focus of our website is communication which is an integral part of the success of your PTA.  But, for communication to be truly effective, it must be two-way. Feel free to contact us with input, questions, comments, and concerns.  We love to hear new ideas!

Platinum PTA Sponsors

Gold PTA Sponsors

The Music Studio Atlanta

Silver PTA Sponsors

Auto Accident Attorneys Group
Code Ninjas East Cobb
Enoch & Lamei Orthodontics
Floor Coverings International
Spenga, East Cobb

Bronze PTA Sponsors

Happy Kidz Yoga
Hazel Family Eye Care
Huntington Learning Center
Ivy Bridge Academy
The Snyder Adams Law Firm
White Tiger Martial Arts